
3 - 6: combob week


  • relistened to montero lil nas x. still a good album.


  • in defense of pretension (Ayan Artan): read most of this, agreed with some of it in the vein of how intellectualism is very much out of 'style' right now, hit the line "you will never come across a well-read zionist", closed the tab in exasperation. while being well-read is good for a lot of things it does not inherently make you more moral, or vice versa. there are plenty of well-read zionists, right-wingers, liberatarians, [insert political ideology you disagree with here]. being exposed to a lot of viewpoints and art etc can influence your politics and ideology, sure, but like. I don't think equating intellectualism with morality is the move. bizarre take imo.
  • shamefully: I am reading homestuck, the beyond canon stuff. a friend recommended it and so I was like. sure. why not. I'm in rot zone.


  • creating a digital garden to end my doomscrolling (Anna Howard): where I got the first entry of 'reading'! this led me to:
  • Obsidian: The King of Learning Tools (Odysseas): okay this is what finally got me to download obsidian. I have been in notion land for many moons now but it just isn't cutting it for me for some of the things I want. I still think my dnd stuff and some other things will live in notion but I needed a brainstorming space and I think this will be it for me. we'll see! I've always liked the idea of commonplace books etc but I know myself and I know they won't be organized or legible and I will literally never look at them again which defeats the whole purpose imo so this is a digital and eaiser to reference version of that.
  • understimulating my overstimulated brain for a week (Michelle Gia): the counting rice killed me but also, tru as hell. third eye opened. etc. also really funny that she managed to choose the UHC assassination week to do this
  • Algorithms are breaking how we think (Technology Connections): you may be noticing a trend lol. this one made me go through and clear out my youtube subscription list of the channels that don't update/I'm not interested in any more and I plan on using that as my youtube home page instead going forward.
  • Drawing And Talking About Fairies (Stanilka): in a different vein, deeply charmed by these little guys.


  • fallow though I think I will start playing/reading miseriechord this afternoon or tomorrow.


  • fallow as all hell. some brainstorming for short stories I suppose


  • oh EXTREMELY fallow. a lot of chinese takeout. publix rotisserie chicken.


  • I didn't post last week's on dreamwidth or tumblr so I'm gonna combine this week's with last week's for crossposting! still in FL hell but things are moving along.

3 - 19: augh!


  • boyfriend recommended hop along
  • listened to some of a Chronicles of Amber summary podcast (see reading) but gave up on it because it was basically just rote summary. little to no discussion. also he didn't know who Ursula le Guin is which is patently insane to me for someone who is ostensibly a sff fan. not just didn't read her work, did not know who she is. ok
  • probably other stuff but my brain is a sieve


  • no analysis here bc i'm tired. take my link slop
  • Pluralistic: There Were Always Enshittifiers
  • re-read "Nine Princes in Amber" by Zelazny for nostalgia value
  • read this goofy lil parody of it
  • marathon-read Price of a Kingdom by Shadowlurker13 in my agonies. well-written enough, not much happening in terms of like, Themes or whatever, but it was fun enough to fill the time.
  • finished Haunting of Hill House. really really really good. talk about a piece of fiction with Themes!!!



  • a truly alarming amount of minecraft


  • finished crocheting another market bag but it sux for some reason so I might unravel it, I suffer etc
  • putting a fossil at the bottom of this bowl by scraping in the design and flooding it with white underglaze

  • some more bowls. I like the foot I trimmed on this one.


  • went out to dinner for ethiopian food (banging), deep dish pizza (ok)
  • did meatballs and greens, and pan fried shrimp and cabbage slaw with the boyf


  • -1hp -1hp -1hp. i shall not elaborate

3 - 27:


  • newest clipping. album. bangers all around. favorite track I think ... Madcap? Maybe Polaroids? it's all really good I need to give it another listen to really dial that down. Run It also really good.
  • Tchaikovsky symphony no. 4, movement 1 is my favorite part I think but we're doing movement 1 and 4 for next orchestra concert :)
  • Doechii Alligator Bites Never Heal, favorite track predictably "Denial Is a River"
  • new friends at the table season!! I'm gonna do my darndest to keep up this time. I'm not done with episode 2 but should finish it by the time the new ep drops tomorrow (I think it's Fridays?). this is the worldbuilding so I'm really just kind of letting it ... wash over me ...
  • the new Chappell song. idk maybe I'm just a hater but it didn't tickle my brain, might just need to let it marinate more


  • fallow



  • ohhh we minecrafting. added my favorite vanilla tweaks resource pack and my roommate found a mod to make all the hostile mobs not-hostile any more so we can actually get ender pearls, etc. it does not appear to be functioning in the nether? it's a work in progress.


  • fallow


  • smitten kitchen soy glazed chicken. a classic.
  • maple and miso sheet-pan salmon with green beans, NYT. really yummy! made some microwave brown rice+quinoa to go with, and also a salad that was just greens topped with slivered almonds, a marinated artichoke heart, and kalamata olives with some balsamic vinegar. my cat wanted to eat the artichoke heart so bad. weirdo.


  • got a rabbit foot fern last weekend. very excited to let it get all weird.
  • waited to post this until I had a meeting with my advisor at 4pm Thursday:

2 - 27








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