2 - 4: Girl Help I'm In Florida Tuesday |
listening |
- A Hell of My Own (Sniz Banquette): some noise, baby. found I think by the artist following my neocities page? lofi in the physicality sense not the genre. favorite tracks: Opt Out, Haunted House
- The Only Way Out (Aviator): standard fare for metal. favorite tracks: Street Blade, WThe Only Way Out
- Godless (Damage): more very standard fare. bounced off of this one a little more.
- Blistering (Salivus): ditto.
reading |
- noticed that my grandma had a copy of "Annihilation" by Jeff Vandermeer (she said she bounced off of it, which does not surprise me, she is more of a traditional murder mystery girlie), she said I could take it home to read and then I annihilated (ha) it in like 4 hours! it was good. I definitely want to do a slower, closer read now that I'm past the throes of I'M READING A GOOD BOOK brainspace. I underlined two sentences on my first pass: "Desolation tries to colonize you." "That's how the madness of the world tries to colonize you: from the outside in, forcing you to live in its reality." I know the common reading is of climate change, etc, but there is definitely something there about attempting to subjugate lands and entities that you (general, as humanity) have no inherent right to ...
- HIROSHI NAGAI: Japan’s Sun-drenched Americana (Ben Leighton): these illustrations are edible. to me.
watching |
- watched some TV with my grandma! a few episodes of season 4 of "In Treatment" (boring), first two episodes of Project Runway s18 (delightful). the latter was because she asked me to re-enable her netflix account and that's the first thing that came up lol.
- the truth about family blogging (Tiffany Ferg): kill them all with hammers imo
- ALMOST DONE with the lain rewatch. it's been sooo fun hearing boyf's theories and ideas as we go.
playing |
- did a blades in the dark session 0! the dm is my friend who had the idea to bring together three of their friends who are down to clown with not-dnd who have never played a ttrpg together before and I'm already thrilled with the dynamic we are all bringing to that virtual table. the character set is a tinkerer-type who does Not want to be involved with crime but is trying to rescue his sister from prison, the world's funniest skeletor-level of theatricality bad-at-their-job supervillain, and, of course, my girl Scud Gauntlet.
- (for those of you that did not see my tumblr posts: I introduced the concept of my character as "so you know moby dick? captain ahab from moby dick?" she is what if ahab were a disfunctional lesbian. I got her name from this poem fragment by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, I don't remember which poem or writeup 'gauntlet' came from but it might have been something from moby dick? either way. in my head she looks like sandra oh, if she did a few too many uppers and had grey hair.)
making |
- finished my mom's fingerless gloves! I may have to redo the bind-off on the left one, it is a liiiiitle tight, so I'll have to see what she says about it...I didn't block them either :v

- did an hourly comic day as a little zine! click image for big version. did not preserve the format for zine printing just because I don't imagine anyone would want to print this out lol
eating |
- realllllyyyyy boring. in FL visiting both grandmas and they are both notoriously bland and unadventurous eaters. eating to live not living to eat down here.
moving |
- swam 50 laps on Sunday at my grandma's pool .... don't actually know how long that bad boy is.
- minor stretching and yoga but I've been in my agonies this week (pms, etc) so I've been trying to be kind to myself about it :c
misc |
- seeing hadestown this week! yay! work has been. [dialup noises].
2 - 18: weekly roundup |
listening |
reading |
- finished the dispossessed - literally obsessed. so fucking good. as a physics phd student I really enjoyed the pseudophysics, the callout to "Ainsetain" made me laugh. felt very big brained when I connected the structure of the book (alternating chapters of his timeline, with the last chapter leading back to the first) to the metaphysical ideas of cycles and non-linearity of time...
- started medieval haggadah book
- i won't be going gentle (cyanocorax): really cool fic. what if odysseus was a trucker.
watching |
- finished the Lain rewatch w the boyf. really good. got to mutually infodump on gnosticism. pepe sylvia string board moment.
- we also watched Space Patrol Luluco! really cute. the references to the other trigger shows made me laugh.
- also got him to watch the first ep of the tgcf donghua. I forgot how opaque it is for people who aren't already initimately familiar with the characters and story lol...so I do not think we will be watching more :(
playing |
making |
- painted koi on a plate!

- painted some ferns on some sake cups for my mom! this and prev are both majolica-style so I hope they come out of the kiln the way they went in and don't turn into a muddy mess...

- finished bug coasters! they are not big nor flat enough to really be coasters but I can hang them on a wall, put them in flower pots, prop them up on a bookshelf...many options.

eating |
- crispy pan fried shrimp with cabbage slaw (12ft.io will bypass the paywall). yummy! used freezer brown rice instead of farro or whatever. doesn't reheat the best, I have just been reheating the rice and not the shrimp but they are no longer crispy. toaster oven might do a better job.
- chicken rice with buttered onions: another broadly-W from deb smittenkitchen! I couldn't find bone-in skin-on thighs and I did brown them because I didn't see her note beforehand about skipping the browning step for skinless boneless so they ended up a smidge dried out...I have some leftover harissa sauce from my other chicken recipe in the freezer so I think I am going to defrost that to have with the thighs. the rice is really good tho.
moving |
- feb 17: row (70lb 3x7 with a wide grip, 1x7 with a narrow grip), lat pulldown (70lb 3x5), bent over cable row (15lb 2x8 each side), and then 20 min on the elliptical (3 min with resistance, 2 min without, repeat)
- last gym visit before that was feb 4 :( the mental illinois was Quite bad last week, had a really bad time getting myself out the door... 1 hr 15m, lat pulldown (70lb 3x5, 85lb 3 2), shoulder press (20lb 5x5), incline biceps (12.5lb 3x7), tricep pulldown on pulley (25lb 5 7 5), upper lats (28lb 3x5), arnold press (7.5lb each 5x8), cable bent over row (21lb 8 5), 10 bench pushups
misc |
- it's been a rouuuughhhhh two weeks. no other comment.
2 - 25: happy florida ER visit twednesdaypost |
listening |
- a lot of just king things
- never the muse (madilyn mei)
- splendor & misery (clipping.) - duuuuuuude this album rules. rec from a discord server I'm in after a convo about how weird and racist tumblr is about rap music. jaw literally dropped at the second track.
reading |
watching |
- severance!!! it happened I finally watched s1. I have gone in knowing many of the major spoilers but it's a good enough show that it doesn't matter. halfway thru the s1 finale, was watching it with B but had to stop for Grandma Assistance and then it got too late to finish lol
playing |
- dnd....the one-shot turned 4? 5?-shot I made Vesper for is allllmost done, I think next game is the final battle so I will finally have to figure out how monk combat works after an insane amount of espionage-style play. there have been many moments where I had the thought "this would have been better in a non-dnd system" but this is the terminally dnd-brained group so...
making |
- back to pottery! made some new bowls:

- the majolica on my fish plate and fern sake cups came out great thank god! I was a little heavy-handed on the underglaze for the fish so I tapped some clear on top and sent it back to the kiln but I think it should turn out great.

- did not get pictures of this but: I have been trying to paint a dino fossil on the inside of a large decorative bowl for a while and realized that it might be easier to get the level of detail I want if I carve it in relief first and then flood that with white undergalze...I'm about halfway through scraping it into the bone-dry clay so lol we'll see how long that takes
eating |
moving |
- I think I'm removing this section actually. I might just keep a spreadsheet for myself because that means I can track numbers more easily :3
misc |
- who would win: one 103-year-old or one palette of 60 water bottles ... had to jet down to old people land again to act as support and it is mega sucking. I didn't get the chance to make this post yesterday so I am actually typing this from the ER while we wait for her scans to come back hahahaha..... (scans came back while I was working on this: she has a fuuuuuucking spinal fracture. i am going to kill the ortho she saw last week.)